If you or a loved one is Medicare-eligible or in need of benefits outside of Teva, the Teva Health Plan Transition Coordinators provide a free service to help you make the best choice.

Complete the online form to be contacted by our Teva Health Plan Transition Coordinators or call
(833) 716-1357 to discuss your coverage options.

What to know

Get help navigating Medicare and choosing the right plans as you or your family members approach age 65 and beyond. Teva Health Plan Transition Coordinators can provide valuable guidance on:

  • Medicare eligibility for younger individuals. Coordinators can help those with qualifying health conditions explore plans that fit their health care needs and budget.
  • Switching Medicare plans. If you’re already enrolled in Medicare but thinking about adjusting your coverage, coordinators can help you compare plan options.

Complete the online form to reach out to a coordinator or call (833) 716-1357 to discuss your insurance needs, explore your options and find the right Medicare plan for you.

Explore plan options for your family’s specific needs (e.g., when your dependents are turning age 26 and no longer eligible for coverage under your medical plan).

Teva Health Plan Transition Coordinators can provide valuable guidance when dependents turn age 26, and they may no longer be eligible under your medical plan. Coordinators can help your dependent find other options to ensure continuous coverage.

Complete the online form to reach out to a coordinator or call (833) 716-1357 to discuss the coverage options that fit your needs and budget and enroll in a plan.

Find the best coverage for you by comparing your COBRA benefits with other options that may better fit your needs and budget.

Teva Health Plan Transition Coordinators can provide valuable guidance when you’re facing a gap in coverage due to employment changes or other life events. Coordinators can assist in finding alternatives to COBRA coverage until you’re able to transition to a new plan.

Complete the online form to reach out to a coordinator or call (833) 716-1357 to discuss the coverage options that fit your needs and budget and enroll in a plan.